Thursday, March 25, 2010

On the road...

Today is the day that I am hitting the road and heading to DC. A special thanks to Susie for her amazing and obsessive map reading and road research (and to MJ for keeping the debate alive)- I think I have every available route and hotel for the next 1000 miles organized by day, distance, how tired I might get, and alternatives- you rock sister! My class at the Foreign Service Institute starts on Monday so the plan is to arrive on Saturday and unpack the unbelieveable amount of stuff that can fit in an Escape and set up house. There is a meet and greet on Sunday evening and then the journey officially begins Monday morning. This move is so exciting, but I have to say I could not imagine a group of more amazing people that I have to say "see you later" to- familiy, friends, Divas and others- you're the best-thanks for the amazing support and good wishes and for all those you have been around for the pack out a huge thank you! Keep your fingers crossed that the road is clear with no mishaps -here is to safe journeys and new adventures...


  1. It's almost 10pm. Don't forget the potty break Sue scheduled at the Gas and Go!

  2. Just randomly stumbled across your blog. My wife, two sons, and I left St Paul (Mac/Groveland hood to be exact) last July for the FS (my wife is the employee, not me). We are now at our first post in Jerusalem.
    If you haven't noticed already, you will soon, that Minnesota is really well represented in the FS. In fact, while in DC our next door neighbor in the "FS dorms" (Falls Church Oakwood apartments) were also from the Twin Cities and good friends with our next door neighbors in St Paul.

    Enjoy your drive and welcome to the FS.

  3. DK- thanks for your note! AS always it is great to have MN connection. I am from the Crocus Hill part of St. Paul-practically neighbors. Thanks for the welcome and enjoy Jerusalem. Feel free to offer any words of wisdom as I am such a newbie that all info is appreciated!

  4. I think the best St. Paulcentric advice I can give you is that Old Town Alexandria is the closest thing I found to Grand Ave in the DC area. Oh, and don't hold out for a great independent coffee shop like Nina's. It's pretty much Starbucks or nothing. There's a great mexican restaurant in Arlington but I can't remember it's name. It's in a little stripmall next to Ray's Hell Burger. If you really want to spoil yourself make reservations at The Oval Room restaurant. I took my wife there for our anniversary and it was possibly the best gourmet meal I've ever had... and Madeline Albright was there.

    There might be a tidbit or two more hidden amongst my poor writing on my blog if you go back a little ways.
