مرحبا والسلام عليكم أصدقائي وعائلتي
Just a quick note to say hi to all and let you know that I have not melted away. How am I going to live in the Middle East when I just might not survive the Washington DC heat??
All is good-just busy studying and struggling with Arabic. Things are coming along, but wow I have a whole new understanding for my students and how homework can really get in the way of living LOL The schedule is tight for me right now, but I am enjoying it on the days I'm not banging my head against the wall.
I have a colleague who is already in Amman and I love hearing about my new home in his updates. I'll try to fill you in as I hear things of interest. I have attached, just for fun, a video of Queen Rania of Jordan-good humor, the more I learn about her and her efforts the more impressed and excited I am to serve in this country-enjoy...
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